See also

Family of William BOLTON (CLASHEEN) and Anne RICHARDS

Husband: William BOLTON (CLASHEEN)


Child 1: Benjamin BOLTON

  • Name:

  • Benjamin BOLTON7

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 30 Jan 1833

  • Clasheen1,2

  • Death:

  • 8 Dec 1913 (age 80)1


Child 2: Wilhelmina BOLTON

  • Name:

  • Wilhelmina BOLTON

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 26 Feb 1835

  • Clasheen1,2

  • Birth:

  • 26 Feb 1835

  • Clashheen, Wexford, Ireland

  • Death:

  • 18 Jul 1835 (age 0)1,2


Child 3: Martha BOLTON (CLASHEEN)

Child 4: Susan BOLTON

Child 5: Henry BOLTON

  • Name:

  • Henry BOLTON7,14,15

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Charlotte Elizabeth TACKABERRY (1851-1934)

  • Birth:

  • 3 Aug 1843

  • Clasheen1,2,14,15,16

  • Residence:


  • Michigan, United States14


  • Marital Status: Married

  • Departure:


  • Liverpool, England; Londonderry, Ireland15

  • Arrival:

  • 1862 (age 18-19)16


  • Arrival:

  • 13 Jul 1884 (age 40)

  • Quebec, Quebec, Canada15

  • Residence:

  • 1900 (age 56-57)

  • Alpena Ward 5, Alpena, Michigan, USA16


  • Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Head

  • Death:

  • 5 May 1909 (age 65)

  • Alpena, Alpena Co., Michigan1,14

Note on Husband: William BOLTON (CLASHEEN) - shared note

A John Bolton (Clasheen) married Rhoda Tackaberry in 1843 at Monamolin. (Ossory Ferns Leighlin Marriage Bonds.) John is doubtlessly William's brother. John Bolton and Samuel Lee where witnesses in a Monamolin Church Wedding of Jemina Richard (Clasheen) to Richard Earl described as "full age a widower." Jemina was Anne's sister.


source: Alex Buchanan Nov 2000: email: Alex Buchanan Susan Richards nee Keppel gave him this tree. Year of birth is a guesstimate

Note on Wife: Anne RICHARDS - shared note

Anne is the daughter of Henry Richards of Glynn. [see Decendants of John Richards for detail.] This Anne is almost certainly wife of William Bolton (Clasheen). Anne Richards Bolton from Ardamine was born July 29 1804 and died April 16, 1881. This Anne is the correct generation (along with the other candidate in the pedigree Anne daughter of Henry Richards and Sarah Butler -- but it is known from other sources that that Anne married John Hadden in 1836). Christopher Richards (e-mail 11/06/02) writes: "My gt gt gt grandfather Solomon Richards (1758-1819) bought an estate at Ardamine in March 1818. Among the tenants listed in the Deed of sale are Henry Richards senr, Edward Richards and Henry Richards." Solomon's grand-father John was settled in Raheen near Enniscorthy (later called Solsborough) by about 1740 -- this family came to Ireland with Cromwell and are not related to Anne's family. Anna's father was Edward, her uncle was Henry and her grandfather Henry. Anne's sister Frances married their second cousin George Pickering Richards whose initials appear to be on the Richards Family Tree documents. He most likely is the author of the fragmented version of the pedigree document and author or at least reviewer of the complete copied one. William Bolton's cousin Fossey Bolton was a Churchwarden for the Ardamine and Killena parishes. The churchwardens listed in "Notes on Ardamine and Killena Parishes - 1929" include 1814 Henry Richards of Glynn, 1816 Henry Richards, 1818 & 1819 Richard Bolton of Ballyduff, 1820 Edwards Richards, 1824 & 1825 & 1842 & 1849 & 1877 Fossey Bolton of Ballylusk, 1835 Henry Bolton of Primrose Cottage, 1844 & 1850 Solomon Richards of Grass Park, 1845 Sheppard Richards, 1861 S. Richards of Glynn, 1874 Mr. Solomon Richards of Glynn, 1876 Mr. Thomas Richards, 1881 Fossey Bolton Jr., and 1883 Frederick Richards of Glynn. Also: Married at Monamolin Church, Gorey, 2 Apr 1861, Richard Earl (full age widower -- farmer) to Jemima Richards (full age, spinster of Clasheen whose father was Edward), Witnesses Samuel Lee and John Bolton. Posit that Anne's sister Jemima was living at Clasheen and married Richard Earl -- the Earl family were close neighbors. Samuel Lee is the son-in-law of Anne Richards Bolton, and I suspect that John Bolton is her brother-in-law. Finally Susan Patience Keppel (as reported by Alex Buchanan) living in 2002 of Glynn was the second wife of Albert Solomon Richards of Glynn understood that she was descendent from a Ned (Edward) Richards of Glynn through the Keppel, Bolton family. Anne Richards Bolton's daughter married William Keppel and were Susan Patience Keppel's grandparents. Edward Bolton was Anne Richards-Bolton's father and Susan Patience her grand-daughter. Edward Richards was the uncle to Solomon Richards grand-father. Byron Edwards December 10 2003. source: Alex Buchanan: Richards of Ballinastudd, Glasscarrig, Grass Park and Glynn drawing on deeds in Registry of Deeds, Dublin source: Alex Buchanan Nov 2000: email: Alex Buchanan <> Susan Richards nee Keppel gave him this tree. Year of birth is a guesstimate



The Lee Family Bible. The "Bible of Samuel and Martha Lee - Clasheen - 1868" is in the possession of the Kee family. The family information was copied by Norval Edwards in 1974.


Anne Richards-Bolton Bible. The family information is contained in a the Lee family bible and described as a copy "of a leaf from the Anne Richard Bolton Bible." It was copied by Norval Edwards in 1974.


Adrian Cardell, <i>Notes on the Genealogy of the Bolton Family of Ballylusk Wexford</i> (1998).


The Richards Family Tree (The GPR Family Tree) was very likely prepared by George Pickering Richards in 1858. It exists in two nearly identical versions. Copies or perhaps the originals (both initialled in pencil GPR as a signature) likely belonged.


Unknown, Pedigree of family of Richard Richards, (Name: Name: Name: From internal evidence dates from about 1858;;;). NAME In possession of Byron Edwards - communicated to me via email6/11/02 ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Anne Richards-Bolton Bible. The family information is contained in the Lee family bible and described as a copy "of a leaf from the Bible of Anne Richards Bolton Bible." It was copied by Norval Edwards in 1974.


Byron Edwards, Email from Byron Edwards, (Name: Name: Name: Received in November 2002;;;).

8., Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index, 1845-1958, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;).,

9., Web: Ireland, Census, 1901, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;).,

10., Ireland, Select Marriages, 1619-1898, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).


Byron Edwards, <i>Scarke, Clasheen and America </i> (1977).

12., Web: Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1920, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2016;).,


Alex Buchanon. Richards tree.

14., Michigan, Deaths and Burials Index, 1867-1995, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;).,

15., Canadian Passenger Lists, 1865-1935, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;). Library and Archives Canada; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Series: RG 76-C; Roll: C-4534.

16., 1900 United States Federal Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;). Year: 1900; Census Place: Alpena Ward 5, Alpena, Michigan; Roll: 699; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0013; FHL microfilm: 1240699.,