See also
William BOLTON (CLASHEEN) ( - )
Mary Martha TACKABERRY (1779-1839)
c. 17701
The following is a description of Clasheen taken from the forthcoming (but unpublished by 2006) book by David Rowe: "Famous Houses of Wexford:" CLASHEEN, Ballycanew Associated Families: Bolton, Lee Townland: Clasheen Location:: 3143.1483. About 4 km south of Ballycanew on main Wexford Road. Present condition: House: Standing and occupied. Demesne: About 280 acres of farmland. Features: The farm buildings run along the road with an attractive arch entrance and a decorated wrought-iron gate. The house faces northwards into the farm quadrangle. It is a rendered two-story stone house with a half-hipped roof. It has two chimneys and very narrow eaves. A small gabled porch with decorated bargeboards contains an attractive shallow-arched door entrance and a panelled door. It is fronted by a railing enclosing a narrow garden strip. The back, southern side, facing into a garden, has four widely spaced windows. A modern extension has been added to the eastern end. History: In 1798 the old house, which is now a barn across the farmyard, was a safe house for the rebels. It was subsequently burnt down. The present house was built after 1800. The lands of Chasheen were variously known as Lassingglassen, Lasglassen and Ash Clasheen. (Leasc-ghlaisin = lazy streamlet - Ir. gallic) This was originally a Bolton house. The Bolton were Cromwellian settlers and the main house associated with their names are Wells and the Island. The lands of Clasheen were granted to John Bolton in 1749, The Griffith Valuation List of 1752 names William Bolton, son of John occupying the house and 76 acres. His grandson, another William Bolton, married Anne Richards from the "Strand" subdivision near Ardamine - a house since eroded by the sea. She became the known as the "Big Mistress of Clasheen." Her daughter Martha married Samuel Pearson Lee in 1863, and through that marriage the house came into the Lee family. After Samuel's death in 1872 Martha married John T(h)ackaberry of Tomagaddy whose lifestyle and actions nearly destroyed the farm. His son Joe left Clasheen to take over Cranacrower, and there Martha ended her days. Martha's son William Lee took over Clasheen, from whom it is descended to the present owner. ........... Subsequent family information is taken from the book by Byron Edwards, "Scarke, Clasheen, and America" (1977) and correspondence with family in America and Ireland.
The Lee Family Bible reads: "Martha Bolton, my mother-in-law died January 5 1839." By context and similar note regards "my son Benjamin", this must have been written by Anne Richards-Bolton.
The Lee Family Bible. The "Bible of Samuel and Martha Lee - Clasheen - 1868" is in the possession of the Kee family. The family information was copied by Norval Edwards in 1974.
Byron Edwards, <i>Scarke, Clasheen and America </i> (1977).
Adrian Cardell, <i>Notes on the Genealogy of the Bolton Family of Ballylusk Wexford</i> (1998)., Geneanet Community Trees Index, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2022;).
Anne Richards-Bolton Bible. The family information is contained in a the Lee family bible and described as a copy "of a leaf from the Anne Richard Bolton Bible." It was copied by Norval Edwards in 1974., Ireland, Civil Registration Deaths Index, 1864-1958, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;).,