See also

Family of Joseph WHITAKER and Mary INGHAM

Husband: Joseph WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Joseph WHITAKER2,4,5

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • Isaac WHITAKER (1731-1791)

  • Mother:

  • Sarah BURRELL (1733-1813)

  • Birth:

  • 25 Jun 1770

  • West Ardsley, Yorkshire

  • Baptism:

  • 27 Jun 1770 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England5,6

  • Residence:


  • Dewsbury, York, England2


  • Marital Status: Single

  • Death:

  • 20 Nov 1820 (age 50)7


  • Burial:

  • 25 Nov 1820

  • Woodkirk, St Mary8

Wife: Mary INGHAM

  • Name:

  • Mary INGHAM2,3

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Father:

  • William INGHAM (1729-1806)

  • Mother:

  • Betty FEARNLEY (1741-1822)

  • Birth:

  • 7 Nov 1770


  • Baptism:

  • 13 Dec 1770 (age 0)

  • Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England9

  • Residence:


  • Dewsbury, York, England2


  • Marital Status: Single

  • Death:

  • 19 Apr 1845 (age 74)

  • Ossett10,11

  • Burial:

  • 24 Apr 1845

  • Woodkirk, St Mary8

Child 1: William Ingham WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • William Ingham WHITAKER12,13

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 10 Jan 179613


  • Baptism:

  • 15 Feb 1796 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England13,14

  • Death:

  • 21 Nov 1818 (age 22)

  • Palermo, Sicily7

  • Burial:


  • Palermo

Child 2: Isaac WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Isaac WHITAKER15,16,17

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Caroline HAYES (1804-1883)

  • Birth:

  • 31 Jul 1797

  • West Ardsley, Yorkshire, England15,16

  • Baptism:

  • 17 Sep 1797 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England18

  • Residence:

  • 1841 (age 43-44)

  • Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England15

  • Residence:

  • 1861 (age 63-64)

  • Hessle, Yorkshire, England16


  • Relationship: Head

  • Death:

  • 19 Apr 1885 (age 87)

  • Hessle Yorkshire, England17,19,20

Child 3: Mary WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Mary WHITAKER13

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 26 Jul 179913


  • Baptism:

  • 18 Aug 1799 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England13,18

  • Death:

  • 25 Aug 1799 (age 0)13


  • Burial:

  • 25 Aug 1799

  • Woodkirk, Yorks21

Child 4: John WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • John WHITAKER13,17,22,23

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Hannah BUTTREY (1797-1866)

  • Birth:

  • 3 Jul 1800

  • West Ardsley, Yorks22,23,24

  • Baptism:

  • 17 Sep 1800 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England13,18

  • Residence:

  • 1851 (age 50-51)

  • Morley, Yorkshire, England22


  • Relationship: Head

  • Residence:

  • 1871 (age 70-71)

  • Ossett with Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England23


  • Relationship: Father

  • Death:

  • 29 Jan 1887 (age 86)

  • Town End, Ossett7,17,25

  • Burial:

  • 2 Feb 1887

  • Family Vault at Woodkirk21

Child 5: Joseph WHITAKER

Child 6: Joshua WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Joshua WHITAKER17,30,31

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse (1):

  • Sarah KAY (1805-1876)

  • Spouse (2):

  • Anna Mary PETTY (1830-1891)

  • Birth:

  • 28 Aug 1804

  • West Ardsley, Yorks30

  • Baptism:

  • 17 Sep 1804 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England18

  • Residence:

  • 1871 (age 66-67)

  • Ossett with Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England30


  • Relationship: Head

  • Death:

  • 30 Oct 1882 (age 78)

  • Croft House, Ossett, Yorkshire17,32

Child 7: Benjamin WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Benjamin WHITAKER13,33

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Caroline Kate Madeline ROE (1836-1934)

  • Birth:

  • 4 Feb 1809

  • West Ardsley, Yorkshire13,33

  • Baptism:

  • 5 Mar 1809 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England13,34

  • Residence:

  • 1881 (age 71-72)

  • Hessle in Sculcoates, Yorkshire, England33


  • Marital Status: Married; Relationship to Head: Head

  • Death:

  • 16 Nov 1893 (age 84)

  • Hessle

  • Burial:


  • Hessle Cemetery

Note on Husband: Joseph WHITAKER - shared note

source for baptism: IGI film 084006 Source Robert Whitaker: Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo: London 1907 quotes information from a Family Bible in possession of Thomas Wilks of Winchester House, Upper Tulse Hill, Brixton, which was sent to Joseph Whitaker (1802-1884) in 1877. This lists the children of Isaac & Sarah Whitaker with their dates of birth.

Note on Wife: Mary INGHAM - shared note

Source: Whitaker of Helsey & Palermo with dates written in by Joshua Whitaker. In Woodkirk in 1822 there was a Mary Whitaker, who was a rope maker - so she kept on with the business after her husband died. Her will: This is the will of me Mary Whitaker of Ossett in the parish of Dewsbury in the county of York widow I give and bequeath unto Alexandrena Mary Whitaker and Sophia Whitaker the two eldest daughters of my son Joseph Whitaker of Palermo in the Island of Sicily the legacy or sum of one hundred pounds each to be paid to the said legatees respectively when and as they shall respectively attain their ages of twenty one years with all accumulations of interest in the meantime and in case either of them the said Alexandrena Mary Whitaker and Sophia Whitaker shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful issue her surviving then I direct the legacyof her so dying with such accumulations of interest as aforesaid shall go to and be payable to the survivor of them and in case both of them the said Alexandrena Mary Whitaker and Sophia Whitaker shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful issue them surviving then I direct that the said legacies of one hundred pounds shall be paid to such other of the daughter or daughters (if any) of my said son Joseph Was shall live to attain twenty one if more than one share and share alike and if no such last mentioned daughters shall live to attain that age then I direct that the same legacies and accumulations shall go to and be paid to the legal personal representatives by the laws of England of the survivor of them the said Alexandrena Mary Whitaker and Sophia Whitaker to who I bequeath the same accordingly I give and bequeath unto Mary Elizabeth the daughter of my son John Whitaker the legacy of sum of five hundred pounds and to Emma Whitaker, William Ingham Whitaker and Joseph Whitaker the daughter and sons of my said son John Whitaker the legacy or sum of four hundred pounds each to be paid to them respectively when they attain their respective ages of twenty one years with all accumulations of interest in the meantime And in case any of my said lastly mentioned grandchildren Mary Elizabeth Whitaker Emma Whitaker, William Ingham Whitaker and Joseph Whitaker shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years without leaving lawful issue her him or them surviving then I direct that the legacy or legacies of her him or them so dying as last aforesaid shall go to and be paid to the survivors or survivor of them my said lastly mentioned grandchildren in equal shares and to any lawful issue of such of them as shall be then dead such issue taking only their parent?s share if more than one then share and share alike And in the meantime and until my said Grandchildren above mentioned shall attain his or her age of twenty one years I direct that my trustees and executors hereinafter mentioned or the survivor of them or their executors administrators or assigns of such survivor shall lay out and invest his her and their legacy or respective legacies on Government real or other sufficient security in England and accumulate the interest that may arise or be produced from each legacy for the benefit of the legatee thereof until his or her legacy becomes payable as hereuntofore by me directed And as to all the residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects I give bequeath the same and every part thereof unto such of my sons as shall be living at the time of my decease if more than one share and share alike but if only one then living then the whole to such son his executors administrators or assigns And I appoint my sons Isaac Whitaker of the town and County of Kingston upon Hull Sail Cloth Manufacturer and Joshua Whitaker of Ossett aforesaid Maltster Trustees and Executors of this my will Provided and I hereby declare that my trustees and executors shall only be answerable for their respective wilful defaults and not for the other of them of for the acts receipts or defaults of the other of them and that they may reimburse themselves and himself all costs and expenses incurred in or in relation to my will or the trusts thereof and lastly revoking all former wills I declare this to be my last will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four Mary Whitaker Signed by the said Mary Whitaker the Testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other subscribe our names as Witnesses Jno Greaves Solr Dewsbury Samuel Hemingway Servant to Mr Whitaker Ossett. Codicil This is a codicil to the Will of me the above named Mary Whitaker whereby I give and bequeath to the Executors named in my Will the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid and applied by them in the education and bringing up of my Granddaughter Mary Elizabeth the daughter of my son John Whitaker in such sums and at such times as they may think proper And in case of her death before the same sum shall be fully paid then the remainder thereof shall lapse It being my intention that the same shall be paid in finishing her education in the same manner in which she is now educated Also I give and bequeath unto my Niece Susannah Bates Spinster who resides with me the legacy or sum of Two hundred pounds to be paid by me Executors at the end of twelve calendar months from my decease And I confirm my said will in every respect not hereby altered or revoked In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Seventh day April one thousand eight hundred and forty five Mary Whitaker Signed and published by the said Testratrix Mary Whitaker as and for a Codicil to her will above written in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other subscribe our names as witnesses Sarah Chappel servant to Mrs Whitaker Jno Greaves Solr Dewsbury Passed 28 June 1845.



Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 81.

2., England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,

3., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D9/18; New Reference Number: WDP9/18.,


Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 4 and 13.

5., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D108/4; New Reference Number: WDP108/1/1/3.,


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Name: Name: Name: Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 5, 2003;;;). Batch C041641; source call 0840006; printout 6910001. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Memorial Inscription (Woodkirk). NAME St Mary's Woodkirk, West Yorkshire ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, (Name: Name: Name: First Edition published 2001;;;).


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Name: Name: Name: Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 5, 2003;;;). Batch C009053; source 0990586; printout 6909686. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Memorial Inscription (Woodkirk). Tomb no 46. NAME St Mary's Woodkirk, West Yorkshire ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Burke: Landed Gentry. 1965 edition page 716.


Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 13.

13., England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,


Woodkirk Bishops Transcripts. Baptisms 1796. NAME Original is in Borthwick Library, York ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0990781.

15., 1841 England Census, (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;). Class: HO107; Piece: 1268; Book: 10; Civil Parish: Dewsbury; County: Yorkshire; Enumeration District: 8; Folio: 8; Page: 8; Line: 16; GSU roll: 464239.,

16., 1861 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;). Class: RG 9; Piece: 3578; Folio: 35; Page: 23; GSU roll: 543154.

17., England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;).,


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Name: Name: Name: Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 5, 2003;;;). batch no C041641; source 0840006; printout 6910001. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Will of Isaac Whitaker.


FreeBMD, (Name: Name: Name: Published on the Internet;;;). Deaths Jun 1885.


Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, (Name: Name: Name: First Edition published 2001;;;). Woodkirk St Mary.

22., 1851 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;). Class: HO107; Piece: 2322; Folio: 16; Page: 25; GSU roll: 87553-87554.,

23., 1871 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;). Class: RG10; Piece: 4610; Folio: 31; Page: 22; GSU roll: 848397.,


1851 census.


Death Certificate. Ossett Sub-District no 389.

26., Italy, Select Marriages, 1809-1900, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).

27., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D108/5; New Reference Number: WDP108/1/1/4.,


Woodkirk Bishops Transcripts. Baptisms 1802. NAME Original is in Borthwick Library, York ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0990781.

29. GRO Consular Death Index 1849-1965.

30., 1871 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;). Class: RG10; Piece: 4609; Folio: 30; Page: 7; GSU roll: 848396.,

31., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1813-1935, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Leeds, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Reference Number: WDP14/1/3/7.,


Death Certificate. Dewsbury, Ossett no 79.

33. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1881 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004;). Class: RG11; Piece: 4750; Folio: 59; Page: 36; GSU roll: 1342147.,


Woodkirk Bishops Transcripts. Baptisms 1809. NAME Original is in Borthwick Library, York ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0990781.