See also

Family of Solomon RICHARDS and Martha GORMAN

Husband: Solomon RICHARDS

Wife: Martha GORMAN

Child 1: Sophia RICHARDS

Child 2: Frances RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Frances RICHARDS8,9,10,11

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Spouse:

  • John Howard GORGES (1779-1826)

  • Birth:

  • Jun 1785



  • Baptised on 10 Jan 1786 so probably born Dec 1785 or early Jan 1786

  • Baptism:

  • 10 Jan 1786 (age 0)

  • Petersham, St Peter, Surrey, England11

  • Residence:


  • Glasnevin10

  • Death:

  • 19 Oct 1870 (age 85)

  • Westpark, Glasnavin, Co, Dublin, Ireland9,10


  • Date given in the Dublin probate register

  • Death:

  • 1870 (age 84-85)


Child 3: Solomon RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Solomon RICHARDS

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Elizabeth SEWELL (c. 1797-1861)

  • Birth:

  • 1787


  • Occupation:


  • -; In Holy Orders

  • Death:

  • 28 Feb 1866 (age 78-79)

  • Enniscorthy, Wexford, Ireland12

Child 4: Batholomew Vigors RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Batholomew Vigors RICHARDS

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • Feb 1788


  • Death:

  • 1829 (age 40-41)

  • Baia Cruz13

Child 5: Martha RICHARDS

Child 6: Edwin RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Edwin RICHARDS

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Mary Anne KIRWAN (1800-1861)

  • Birth:

  • 20 Mar 1791


  • Occupation:


  • -; Captain RN

  • Death:

  • 28 Sep 1866 (age 75)

  • Clifton Down Hotel, Clifton Bristol15,16


  • Cause: Sudden death - natural causes

  • Burial:

  • 1866

  • Clone, Wexford, IRL17

Child 7: William Gorman RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • William Gorman RICHARDS

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • Jul 1795


  • Death:

  • Aug 1795 (age 0)


Child 8: Catherine Vigors RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Catherine Vigors RICHARDS18,19

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Spouse:

  • Richard FAYLE (1796-1872)

  • Birth:

  • 1796

  • Enniscorthy, Ireland18,19

  • Residence:

  • 1851 (age 54-55)

  • Tormoham, Devon, England18


  • Relation to Head of House: Wife, Relationship: Wife

  • Death:

  • 1853 (age 56-57)

  • Newton Abbot District20

Child 9: Francis RICHARDS

  • Name:

  • Francis RICHARDS

  • Sex:

  • Male

Note on Husband: Solomon RICHARDS - shared note

Matriculated TCD 5 July 1780 aged 15. BA Aest 1784. LL.B. Aest 1787. High Sherriff of Wexford 1793 Commanded cavalry & infantry at battle of Enniscorthy 1798 Will dated 14 Nov 1803, proved 2 July 1813 by William Vigors Richards. His marriage settlement is dated 14 April 1784. Transcript of will: In the name of God Amen, I Solomon Richards of Solsborough in the county of Wexford, in Ireland being of sound and disposing mind do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following. Whereas it has pleased the Almighty to visit me with a most severe and Irreperable misfortune, in depriving me of my Dearly and most deservedly beloved wife Martha Richards daughter of the late Colonel Rawson who in my former will dated 18th March 1802 I appointed Guardian of all my beloved Children then born, and in whom I had the most unbounded confidence from her inestimable character and most affectionate and Excellent conduct to me and all my children: I now unfortunately have occasion to appoint a Guardian instead of this best of women, and I do hereby nominate and appoint my much loved brother William Vigors Richards of Farmby in said County Wexford Esquire sole Guardian to all my dear Children, Ten in number, well knowing that from his affection for their dear Mother and for myself, and from his excellent and upright Heart he will Execute the great Trust I repose in him most faithfully, and Whereas I have a power to charge my Estates in said County of Wexford with the sum of seven thousand pounds sterling as provision for my younger children by my first most excellent and beloved wife, My will is that the said sum of Seven thousand pounds be divided among my said younger children as follows. I hereby will and bequeath (out of said provision) to my dear daughter Sophia Richards the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds sterling. To my dear daughter Frances Richards the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds sterling. To my dear daughter Martha Richards the sum of one thousand pound sterling. To my dear daughter Catherine Richards the sum of one thousand pounds sterling. To my dear son Bartholomew Vigors Richards the sum of six hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence sterling. To my dear son Francis Richards the sum of six hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence sterling. To my dear son Edwin Doherty Richards the sum of six hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence sterling. Batholomew and Edwin having with the best hopes and examinations already entered the Naval service and Intending to get Francis on as soon as possible into such profession as he may choose I think they will not have occasion for assistance from this fund so much as their Dear sisters. All the said sums to bear interest from the day of my Death payable half yearly and all said Principal sums to be payable respectively on the Days my said children shall attain the age of Twenty one years or on the days any of my said Daughters may respectively Marry or payable at such other times as my executors may think right to raise any of the said sums for the advancement of any of said Dear (Children). And my will is that should any of my said Dear Children die before the Portion or Portions of such child or children shall become payable as aforesaid or before their portion or portions shall be raised by my Executors for their Advancement and paid as aforesaid then the Portion or Portions of any of my said children so dying shall be divided among the surviving children of my first marriage share and share alike. And if it should please God to take all but one of my said Dear Children before the periods as aforesaid then I will and direct that the sum of six thousand pounds shall be raised from my estates and paid as a portion for that one surviving child at the time he or she should be entitled to receive the sum aforesaid and that the remaining one thousand pounds of said before mentioned seven thousand pounds shall not be raised but shall sink into the Estate for the benefit of my Dearly Beloved Eldest son Solomon Richards. And I hereby confirm in its fullest extent the settlement made on my last marriage which now relates to my tenderly beloved children George Rawson Richards and Maria Richards and I do request that my dear Brother William Vigors Richards the surviving trustee to said settlement may see it carried into full execution. I give and bequeath my gold watch made by Scott Grablin to my said dear child George Rawson Richards and I do hereby give and bequeath to my said beloved daur Maria Richards all the personal property of what kind soever I may die Possessed of not herein disposed of after paying my just debts and Funeral Expenses and I also give and bequeath to my said daughter Maria Richards my freehold property which I may die possessed of otherwise undisposed of at the time of my Decease and if a Policy of Insurance for one thousand pounds or upwards shall be found after my death payable to my executors in the event therein mentioned I hereby bequeath said Policy of Insurance all benefit arising therefrom to my said dear daughter Maria Richards I also bequeath to my said dear daughter Maria Richards The Diamond Rings and Locket the Watch set with Pearl and all other ornaments and valuables which did belong to her never to be sufficently lamented Mother and in case my said dear daughter Maria should die before she attains the age of twenty one years or before she is married my will is that whatever property she may be Intitled to shall go to my beloved son George Rawson Richards and in case my said dear son George Rawson Richards shall die before he attains his age of twenty one years I will and direct that the entire of his property may go to my said beloved daughter Maria Richards but in case my said son George Rawson Richards and my dear daughter Maria Richards shall both die under the age of twenty one years or before marriage Then I will and direct that their entire properties shall be divided among all my surviving children by my first marriage shre and share an share alike, and I earnestly request my beloved eldest son Solomon Richards who will inherit a very fine property to be an affectionate brother and true friend to all his brothers and sisters and from his Excellent Disposition I know he will be so. & I hereby nominate and appoint my said dear brother William Vigors Richards Esq and my sincere friend George Giles of Youghall in Ireland Esq Executors of this my will and I request of them that my body may be interred with as little Expense and shew as possible and close by the remains of my adored last wife. Written with my own hand and signed sealed published and Declared as my last will andTestament revoking all former Wills at Pembroke South Wales this 14th day of November one thousand eight hundred and three 1803. Solm Richards seal Signed sealed in presence of Geo Jones Rector of Hodgestown Pembroke. John Morgan - acknowledged before me T Adams Justice of the Peace. Exd The last will and Testament of Solomon Richards late of Solsborough in the County of Wexford Deceased (having and so forth was proved in Common form of Law and Probate granted by the Most Revd Father William and so forth to William Richards one of the executors named in said Will he being first sworn by common saving the right of George Giles the other executor also saving and so forth. Dated the 2nd day of January 1813. Claimed £2452/15/- for losses of Furniture, House Linen, Plate and cattle in the 1798. Was awarded £2348/4/-. He is listed as Captain of Enniscorthy Cavalry

Note on Wife: Martha GORMAN - shared note

of Ballynahessan, Meath, Ireland also see Memorials of the Dead by Brian Cantwell, Vol 9, East Wexford.



Betham, Betham Sketch Pedigrees, (Name: Name: Name: Handwritten manuscript dated 1829 (from internal evidence);;;). Page 53 Volume VIII LDS film no 0100119. NAME National Library of Ireland Manuscript 268 ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0100119.

2., Ireland, Abstracts of Wills and Marriages, 1620-1923, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Lehi, UT, USA; Date: 2023;). National Archives of Ireland; Dublin, Ireland; Crosslé, Betham and Thrift Genealogical Abstracts.


Burke, Burke: Irish Landed Gentry, (Name: Name: Name: 1912 edition;;;). 589. NAME Bristol City Library ADDR EMAIL PHON.


National Archives, Dublin. Will Roll 1813 Page 214.


Killanne Parish Registers, (Name: Name: Name: Transcribed by Gloria Binions 2001;;;). NAME Killane Memorials to the dead ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Betham, Betham Sketch Pedigrees, (Name: Name: Name: Handwritten manuscript dated 1829 (from internal evidence);;;). Vol VIII Page 52. NAME National Library of Ireland Manuscript 268 ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0100119.


Killanne Memorials to the Dead. 52.


Ancestry Family Trees, (Name: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.;;). Ancestry Family Tree.,

9., Web: Ireland, Calendar of Wills and Administrations, 1858-1920, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2016;).,

10., Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Belfast Newsletter (Birth, Marriage and Death Notices), 1738-1925, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;).,

11., Surrey, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;).,


Irish GRO index. Deaths March 1866.


Betham, Betham Sketch Pedigrees, (Name: Name: Name: Handwritten manuscript dated 1829 (from internal evidence);;;). 53. NAME National Library of Ireland Manuscript 268 ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0100119.


Christopher Richards, Year of birth calculated from stated age at death. NAME None ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Ireland Administrations, (Name: Name: Family Search;;). Richards Edwin Effects under £600.


Death Certificate.


Brian Cantwell, Memorials of the Dead. 236 Vol VI East Wexford. NAME National Archives, Dublin ADDR EMAIL PHON.

18., 1851 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;). Class: HO107; Piece: 1872; Folio: 240; Page: 25; GSU roll: 221020.

19., 1861 England Census, (Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2005;). Class: RG 9; Piece: 1411; Folio: 133; Page: 21; GSU roll: 542808.


FreeBMD, (Name: Name: Name: Published on the Internet;;;). Deaths Sept 1853.