See also

Family of John WALKER and Dorothie LEE

Husband: John WALKER

  • Name:

  • John WALKER2

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • John WALKER (c. 1602- )

  • Mother:

  • -

  • Birth:

  • 1625

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire

  • Baptism:

  • 15 Apr 1625 (age 0)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire2,3

  • Will:

  • 13 Apr 1659 (age 33-34)

  • Heckmondwike

  • Death:

  • 1659 (age 33-34)


  • Burial:

  • 23 Apr 1659

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire4

Wife: Dorothie LEE

  • Name:

  • Dorothie LEE

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Father:

  • James LEE (c. 1595- )

  • Mother:

  • -

  • Birth:

  • 1621

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire

  • Baptism:

  • 29 Jul 1621 (age 0)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire5

  • Death:

  • 1655 (age 33-34)


  • Burial:

  • 29 Jan 1656

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire6

Child 1: William WALKER

  • Name:

  • William WALKER7

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 1639


  • Baptism:

  • 14 Jul 1639 (age 0)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire8

  • Death:

  • 1678 (age 38-39)7


  • Burial:

  • 21 Aug 1678

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire, England7

Child 2: Richard WALKER

  • Name:

  • Richard WALKER

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 1646


  • Baptism:

  • 24 Jan 1647 (age 0-1)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire9

Child 3: Jonas WALKER

  • Name:

  • Jonas WALKER

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 1648

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire

  • Baptism:

  • 27 Jan 1648 (age 0)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire10

Child 4: Alice WALKER

  • Name:

  • Alice WALKER11

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 1651


  • Baptism:

  • 9 Nov 1651 (age 0)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire12

  • Death:

  • 1690 (age 38-39)11


  • Burial:

  • 3 Dec 1690

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire, England11

Child 5: Elizabeth WALKER

  • Name:

  • Elizabeth WALKER2

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Spouse:

  • Abraham WHITAKER (c. 1652-1723)

  • Birth:

  • 1652

  • Birstall, Yorkshire, England

  • Baptism:

  • 5 Jan 1654 (age 1-2)

  • Birstall, St Peter, Yorkshire2,13

  • Residence:


  • Leeds, West Yorkshire, England

  • Death:

  • 24 Aug 1711 (age 58-59)14



  • The register clearly says she dies on Aug 24 and was buried on Aug 31st

  • Burial:

  • 31 Aug 1711

  • Morley, St Mary in the Wood15

Note on Husband: John WALKER - shared note

This John Walker born in 1625 looks like the most likely candidate for John of Heckmondwike, the father of Elizabeth Walker but it is based only on the fact that he was the son of John W of Heckmondwike and was born at about the right time. Will of John Walker In the name of God Amen I John Walker of Heckmondwike in the County of Yorks Blacksmith being sick & weake of body but of good and perfect remembrance (praised be God for the same Doe this thirteenth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord God according to the Courses and Computacon of the Church of England One thousand six hundred fifty and nine make ordain and appointe this my last will and testament in writeing in manner and forme following that is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of my maker assuredly believing through the onely meritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to have full and free remission and forgiveness of all my sins As for my body I commit it to the earth from whence it came to be orderly interred in the churchyard of Birstall at the Discrecon of my Executors in confidence of a Joyfull Resurrexon and a Requiteing. both of soule and body to eternal life at the last day And as concerning the Disposall of such estate both real and personall as it hath pleased God in his infinite mercy to bestow upon me my will and mind is that first of all my true and lawful debts funeral expenses and the probate of this my last will and testament be fully satisfied out of my whole goods then. my will and mind is And I Do give devise and bequeath unto William Walker my eldest son and Richard Walker my second sonne all that same Messuage or Tenem[en]t wherein I now dwell and one Croft of land lying upon the South part of the same equally to be devided between them together with all waies and watercourses Comons Comons of pasture and Turbary buildings barns outhutts gradens prossitts comodities and emoluments whatsoever tothe same belonging in Heckmondwicke aforesaid in the said County of Yorks To have and to hold the same to them the said William and Richard Walker their heirs and assigns for ever equallie to be divided betwixt them as aforesaid Item my will and mind further is and doe give devise and bequeath unto Jonas Walker my third son and to Alice Walker and Elizabeth Walker my daughters all my personall estate goods cattells Chattels Creditts and Debts whatsoever which in any wise are mine or belonging unto mee equally to be devided amongst them as also the full and sole benefit of one close of land situate in Heckmondwike aforesaid Commonly called the Moore Close now in my tenure or occupacon which I have by Lease from Richard Rayner of the same during the Remainder thereof as yett to expire And I make the said Jonas Walker Alice Walker and Elizabeth Walker Joynt and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Item my will and mind further is that if any of my said Executors Dye without Yssue before they have attained their full age of one and twenty years that the third portion belonging him or her soe deceased shall goe and remain to the sole use of my other two surviving executors and I earnestly desire my said friends Robert Walker of Little Liversedge my brother Thomas Gomershall and Thomas Lee both of Gomershall and Thomas Dale of Little Lyversedge aforesaid supervisors of this my last will & Testament to whom I doe also Comittt the tuition of all my said Children and their estates during their minorities not anything doubting but they will fully dischargethis trust in them by me reposed In witness thereof I have hereunto. sett my hand and seale The day and year above expressed The Marke of John Walker Sealed signed and delivered in the presence of us Thomas Brooke Thomas Gomershall Thomas Lee The Marke of Robert Walker John Brooke. The eighteenth day of July in the yeare of Our Lord God one thousand six hundred and sixty issued for the letters of Administracon with the Will annext To Robert Walker Thomas Gomershall Thomas Lee and Thomas Dale the Testamentary tutors to Jonas Alice & Elizabeth Walker Minors naturall and lawfull children of the said Deceased and Joynt Executors ordained in the last Will and Testament of the said deceased above written to administer the goods and chattles and Debts of the said Deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said Will during the minority and to the use of the said Minors They being all of them being first sworne by virtue of a com[missi]on well and truely to Administer

Note on Wife: Dorothie LEE - shared note

This is the only Dorothie Lee in the Birstall PRs who was baptised at about the right time.



Birstall St Peter Parish Registers. Marriages 1644. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.

2., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D5/1; New Reference Number: WDP5/1/1/1.,


Birstall St Peter Parish Registers. Christenings 1625. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. 178 1659 Burials. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. Christenings 1621. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. 173 Burials 1655/6. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.

7., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; New Reference Number: WDP5/1/1/1.,


Birstall St Peter Parish Registers. Vol 2 Page 8 Baptisms. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. Vol 2 Page 24 Baptisms. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. Vol 2 page 28. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.

11., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records.,


Birstall St Peter Parish Registers. 32 Vol 2. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Ibid. Christenings 1653. NAME Society of Genealogists, London ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: YK/REG/96687/1-258.


Morley Chapel (Independent) Registers. NAME LDS film 0828142 ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, (Name: Name: Name: First Edition published 2001;;;).