See also

Family of Charles HAWARD and Mary NEWSON

Husband: Charles HAWARD

  • Name:

  • Charles HAWARD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Father:

  • Charles HAWARD (c. 1691-1763)

  • Mother:

  • Susan CACHERMOLE (c. 1693- )

  • Birth:

  • 22 Jun 1720

  • Sibton, SFK

  • Baptism:

  • 10 Jul 1720 (age 0)

  • Walpole Independent Church, Walpole, SFK, England

  • Death:

  • 26 Apr 1764 (age 43)

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England

  • Burial:

  • 26 Apr 1764

  • Churchyard, Walpole, Suffolk, England

Wife: Mary NEWSON

  • Name:

  • Mary NEWSON

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Father:

  • -

  • Mother:

  • -

  • Birth:

  • c. 1717


  • Death:

  • 31 May 1760 (age 42-43)


Child 1: Samuel HAWARD

  • Name:

  • Samuel HAWARD1,2

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Mary BRIGGS (1754-1822)

  • Birth:

  • 18 Jun 1751

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England1,2

  • Baptism:

  • 8 Jul 1751 (age 0)

  • Walpole Independent Church, Walpole, SFK, England1

  • Residence:


  • Norfolk, England2

  • Death:

  • 30 Jul 1837 (age 86)

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England

  • Burial:

  • 4 Aug 1837

  • Churchyard, Walpole, Suffolk, England3

Child 2: Charles HAWARD

  • Name:

  • Charles HAWARD1,4

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Rachel UNKNOWN ( - )

  • Birth:

  • 21 Dec 1752

  • Cookley, Suffolk

  • Baptism:

  • 8 Jan 1753 (age 0)

  • Walpole Independent Church, Walpole, SFK, England1

  • Residence:

  • 1841 (age 88-89)

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England4

  • Death:

  • 5 Nov 1843 (age 90)

  • Cookley, Suffolk

  • Burial:

  • 10 Nov 1843

  • Walpole, Churchyard, Suffolk, England5

Child 3: James HAWARD

  • Name:

  • James HAWARD

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Birth:

  • 6 Oct 1757

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England

  • Baptism:

  • 19 Oct 1757 (age 0)

  • Walpole Independent Church, Walpole, SFK, England

  • Death:

  • 1815 (age 57-58)


  • Burial:

  • 6 Feb 1815

  • Walpole, Churchyard, Suffolk, England6

Child 4: Mary HAWARD

  • Name:

  • Mary HAWARD7

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 3 Feb 1760

  • Cookley, Suffolk, England7

  • Baptism:

  • 14 Feb 1760 (age 0)

  • Walpole Independent Church, Walpole, SFK, England7

Note on Husband: Charles HAWARD - shared note

Pedigree: Birth Another reference says his birth was 22 January 1720 BIRTH: Births/Chrs. Printout; FHC *883998; Independent, Walpole, Suffolk England (1706-1837); Batch C 7861-1, Page 53 FHC *99199 Parish Transcripts - Births Walpole !DEATH: Suffolk County Inscriptions; FHC Film 991999; Walpole; line 8 8. !INSCRIPTION: "Charles Haward 26 April 1764 ag 44" NOTE: Wife's inscription said "...Charles Haward of Cookley" From the database of Donna Fry-Solsvik Will of Charles Haward In the name of God Amen. I CHARLES HAWARD of Cookley in the County of Suffolk Yeoman being of perfect and sound mind and memory (praised be Almighty God for the same) Do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament and in the manner and form following that is to say First I do hereby give and devise unto Samuel Haward my eldest son all that my messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever with their Appurs thereunto belonging or appertaining as the same are situate lying and being in Cookley and Huntingfield in the said county or in any other Town parish or place thereto near or adjoining and now in the Tenure Use or Occupation of Samuel Gooch Charles Haward and Francis Hills. To hold the same premises with their Appurtenances to him the said Samuel Haward my son his heirs and Assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the payment of an Annuity or yearly sum of as is hereinafter particularly mentioned Also I do hereby give and devise unto CHARLES HAWARD my second son All that my freehold messuages Farm Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Wenhaston in the county now in the use of Thomas Hurrin his assigns or undertenants To hold the same to him the said Charles my son his heirs and assigns for ever subject also to the payment of such part of the said Annuity or Yearly sum as hereafter mentioned I do hereby give devise and bequeath unto Mary Haward my daughter All that my messuage Lands Tenements and heredts whatsoever situate lying and being in Wenhaston with the appurtenances now in the use or occupation of James Strowger or his undertenants To hold the same to her the said MARY HAWARD my daughter her heirs and Assigns for ever subject also to the payment of such other part of the sd Annuity or yearly sum as is hereinafter mentioned Also I give and bequeath unto my youngest son JAMES HAWARD the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid by my executor hereinafter named out of the my personal estate and I do hereby Will and direct that the said sum of One Hundred Pounds hereby given to him shall be placed out at Interest by my Executor upon good security as soon after my decease as conveniently may be and the sd sum of One Hundred Pounds together with such interest as shall arise or grow due shall be paid to him when he shall attain to the age of one and twenty years Also my mind and Will is that the sd Samuel Charles and James my sons and Mary my daughter shall pay yearly and every year unto my Father CHARLES HAWARD during the term of his Natural Life one of Nine Pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain which said of Nine Pounds my mind and will is shall be issuing and payable out of the Messuages Lands and premises as also out of the Interest that becomes due to the James out of the said sum of One Hundred Pounds given and devised as aforesd and in such proportion as is hereinafter mentioned that is to say Two Pounds and Five shillings part thereof out of the herein given and devised to the said Samuel my son Two Pounds and Five shillings other part thereof out of the sd Messuages Lands and Premises herein before given and devised to the said Charles my son Two Pounds and Five shillings other part thereof out of the said Messuages Lands and Premises herein before given and devised to my said daughter Mary Two Pounds and Five shillings other part thereof out of the Interest arising from the said given to the said James my younger son as aforesd which Annuity or yearly sums my mind and will is shall be paid to the said by four even and equal payments in every year Quarterly and clear of all deductions whatsoever the first payment thereof to begin and be made as soon as conveniently can be after my decease And I do hereby subject and charge the Messuages Lands and Premises respectively together with the sum of One Hundred Pounds with the payment of the annuity or yearly sum and in such manner and in such proportions as aforesaid And in case default shall be made in payment of the several sums of money or either of them or of any part thereof to him the sd Charles my father by the space of Forty days herein before appointed for payment of the same Then I do hereby give to the Charles Haward my father and his Assigns full power and authority to enter into their respective Estates or Sum of money so respectively charged with payment of the said several sums of money as aforesaid and the same and either of them to have hold and enjoy and Rents issue and profits thereof to take and receive to his proper use and benefit until he shall be full paid and satisfied the said respective sums or Annuity hereinbefore mentioned together with all the Costs and Charges occasioned by such entry or entries in or about the recovery thereof Also I do hereby Will and direct that all and every the Just Debts which I shall owe at the time of my decease my funeral expenses together with the Charge of the Probate of this my Will and all other Incident. Charges shall be well and truly paid and discharged by my Executor hereinafter named by and out of the residue of my which I shall dye possessed of or be entitled unto and after the same shall be fully paid discharged and satisfied the Overplus residue and remainder of my sd Personal Estate I do hereby give and bequeath as followeth Two hundred pounds to my daughter Mary Thirty pounds to my son Samuel and Thirty pounds to my son Charles and the residue and remainder to be equally divided between my said three sons and Mary my daughter to be paid them respectively when they shall attain to their respective ages of twenty one years and in the meantime do hereby direct that the same shall be placed out at Interest or otherwise employed by my said Executor in such manner as he shall think most beneficial to and for my said sons and daughter but according to Teri respective shares or proportion thereof And I do hereby make nominate and appoint ROBERT HAWARD of Bramfield in the County of Suffolk Yeoman Executor of this my Will and also trustee and guardian of the persons and estate of all my said children untill they shall severally attain to their respective ages of twenty one years and do hereby direct that my said Executor shall receive and take all the Rents and Proffits of the several and respective Estates hereinbefore devised or bequeathed to my said children to and for their several respective uses and benefits and all the Interest money that shall grow and become due to them untill they shall severally attain to their said ages of Twenty and one years And that untill such time and times such part or parts of all such Rents and Proffits as my Executor shall think necessary or convenient shall be laid out and extended to and for the support maintenance and Education of my said children respectively and I do hereby empower my Executor to Demise let or set my several Estate for the most yearly rents that he can get for the same and upon the best covenants that he can make for the Benefit and advantage of my said sons and daughter And I do hereby give and bequeath to the sd Robert Haward the sum of five pounds for his Trouble and Pain in Executing the Trusts hereby reposed in him to be paid out of my Personal Estate within three months next after my Decease And I do hereby direct that my said Executor shall also be paid all such reasonable charges and Expenses as he shall be at or put to in the Execution of the sd Trusts or in anything relating to this my Will And do hereby declare that my said Executor shall not be answerable or accountable for any Act or Acts but of himself And I do hereby all former Wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witness thereof I the said Charles Haward the Testator have to this my last Will contained five sheets of paper have to the first four sheets thereof set my Hand and to the last sheet thereof my Hand and Seal this second day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and sixty one CHARLES HAWARD Signed sealed published and declared by the sd Charles Haward the Testator as and for his last Will an Testament in the presence of us who in his presence have subscribed our names and witnesses thereto Edward Bellamy William Lummiss ? Ridley ? Robert Haward the within named Executor was duely sworn before me this seventh day of May 1764 JOHN LOMAN Sur.

Note on Wife: Mary NEWSON - shared note

of Badingham DEATH: Suffolk Churchyard Inscriptions; FHC Film 991999; Walpole; item 87 INSCRIPTION: "Mary w. of Charles Haward of Cookley 31 May 1760 age 43" Marriage from IGI film no 0934345 - patron submitted sheets. From the database of Donna Fry-Solsvik


1., England & Wales, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1970, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;). The National Archives of the UK; Kew, Surrey, England; General Register Office: Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths surrendered to the Non-parochial Registers Commissions of 1837 and 1857; Class Number: RG 4; Piece Number: 3097.,

2., England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,


Walpole Parish Registers. Burials Page 33 no 258.

4., 1841 England Census, (Name: Operations, Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;). Class: HO107; Piece: 1015; Book: 8; Civil Parish: Cookley; County: Suffolk; Enumeration District: 9; Folio: 9; Page: 13; Line: 21; GSU roll: 474635.,


Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, (Name: Name: Name: First Edition published 2001;;;).


Walpole Parish Registers. Burials Page 4 No 25.

7., England & Wales, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1970, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2013;). The National Archives of the UK; Kew, Surrey, England; General Register Office: Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths surrendered to the Non-parochial Registers Commissions of 1837 and 1857; Class Number: RG 4; Piece Number: 2359.,