See also

Family of Isaac WHITAKER and Susannah INGHAM

Husband: Isaac WHITAKER

Wife: Susannah INGHAM

Child 1: Susanna WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Susanna WHITAKER10,11

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Spouse:

  • Edward SMITH (c. 1720- )

  • Birth:

  • c. 1725


  • Residence:


  • West Ardsley, York, England11

  • Death:

  • 1795 (age 69-70)


  • Burial:

  • 26 May 1795

  • Woodkirk, St Mary12

Child 2: Elizabeth WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Elizabeth WHITAKER13

  • Sex:

  • Female

  • Birth:

  • 1726


  • Death:

  • 31 Jul 1781 (age 54-55)13,14


  • Burial:

  • 2 Aug 1781

  • Woodkirk, St Mary, Yorks West Riding12,13

Child 3: Isaac WHITAKER

  • Name:

  • Isaac WHITAKER3,15,16,17

  • Sex:

  • Male

  • Spouse:

  • Sarah BURRELL (1733-1813)

  • Birth:

  • 29 Nov 17313,18


  • Baptism:

  • 15 Dec 1731 (age 0)

  • Woodkirk, Yorkshire, England3,19

  • Residence:

  • 1754 (age 22-23)

  • Wakefiled Westgate, Yorkshire, England17

  • Will:

  • 21 Jul 1786 (age 54)

  • Lee Green, Parish of Woodkirk20

  • Death:

  • 23 Feb 1791 (age 59)15


  • Burial:

  • 26 Feb 1791

  • Woodkirk, St Mary, Yorks West Riding12

  • Probate:

  • 22 Jun 1791

  • Pontefract20

Note on Husband: Isaac WHITAKER - shared note

Of Baghill Oliver Heywood's Register for Coley Chapel breaks off between 1684 and 1686. "Time of persecution". Maybe this was why he was baptized in the C of E church. Tombstone Inscription at Woodchurch, West Ardsley, Yorks Isaac Whitaker of Baghill, died on 27th June 1750 aged 65 years. Also Susannah his wife, who died on the 9th May 1777 aged 76 years. Also Elizabeth their daughter, who died on the 31st July 1781, aged 55 years. Quoted in Whitaker of Hesley & Palermo: London 1907 Will March 1751 Bag Hill, Woodkirk T, Vol 094 Folio 308 The will of Isaac Whitaker of Baghill 1750 In the name of God Amen I Isaac Whitaker Elder of Baghill of the Parish of Woodkirk otherwise called West Ardsley in the County of York Yeoman being Sick and weak in Body but of sound Mind Memory and Understanding do make constitute and publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following (that is to say) First of all mt Will and Mind is that all my just and lawful Debts Funeral Expenses and Probate of this my last Will and Testament be fully paid and discharged by my Executor hereinafter named Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Susanna the Wife of Edward Smith the lawful sum of Fifty Pounds to be paid by my executor hereinafter named at the Expiration of Twelve Calendar Months next after my Decease if she be then living but if she happens to dye before the Expiration of the said Calendar Months Then I give and bequeath the aforesaid sum of Fifty pounds unto the Child or Children (lawfully begotten) of the Body of my said Daughter Susanna to be equally divided between them share & share alike (if more than one) when he she or they attain to the Age or Ages of Twenty one years And my wiull and mind further is that my Executor pay unto them the sum of Two pounds a year Yearly & every year as Interest for the same untill he she or they attain to the said age or ages of Twenty & one years Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Whitaker the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid her by my executor hereinafter named at the Expiration of Twelve Calendar Months next after my Decease Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Whitaker a Pair of Chest a Drawers and two pewter Dishes Likewise I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Susanna Whitaker a Silver Tankard & a Great Bible during the Term of her Natural life & from & after her Decease then I give the same Tankard & Bible unto my son Isaac Whitaker for ever Likewise I give and bequeath unto my Wife Susanna a Bedstead with all the Bedding belonging the same which stands in the Great Parlour with all the other Household Goods, Necessaries and Implements of household which stands both in the Great Parlour & little Parlour adjoining thereto with part of my Household linen seven Chairs and my china ware a Pallian Seal and Cloth and a side Saddle & the Cloth belonging it......Likewise I give and bequeath unto my son Isaac Whitaker All that my Leasehold Estate which I now live upon occupy possess and enjoy with all the Buildings Closes Lands and Grounds thereunto belonging which I hold by Lease from the Right Honourable the Earl of Cardigan situate and being at a place called Baghill in the Parish of Woodkirk otherwise West Ardsley as aforesaid with all my Estate and Interest therein Upon Trust and confidence & to the intent & purpose & my will and mind is that he permit and suffer Susanna my wife to have the great parlour and little parlour to live inhabit & dwell in with liberty to Brew, Bake & Wash in the Kitchen Rent free or without paying Rent for the same for & during so long as she shall remain my Widow Also I give & devise all those my Freehold Lands Houses Buildings, Messuages, Tenements & Hereditam(en)ts which I hold in Fee simple situate lying and being in Wakefield in the Said County being now in the Tenure possession and occupation of Thomas Naylor Joseph Wright John Best John Brown & John Beaumont* with the Rents Issues & profits of all & singular the said Premisses unto my wife Susanna Whitaker from and immediately after my Decease for and during the term of her Natural Life & from & after her Decease Then I give and devise the said Freehold Lands and premisses situate in Wakefield aforesaid unto my son Isaac Whitaker and to the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten whether Male or Female And for want or Default of such issue my Will and Mind further is and I do hereby give and devise the said premisses and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders of all and singular those my said Freehold lands Messuages Tenements and Herditaments with the Rents Issues and profits thereof unto my said Two daughters Susanna the wife of Edward Smith and Elizabeth Whitaker to be equally divided between them Share and Share alike and to their Heirs for ever And all the rest Residue and remainder of my Worldly Goods and Chattels Money Bills and Bonds whatsoever or wheresoever found I give and bequeath to my Son Isaac Whitaker and his Heirs for ever And Lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my Son Isaac Whitaker sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have here unto set my Hand and Seal this twenty third Day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Fifty. Signed Isaac Whitaker Signed sealed published & declared by the above named Isaac Whitaker elder as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator and in the presence of each other Jno Speight William Burton James Pearson The declaration was signed by Isaac Whitaker of Baghill Ropemaker and Thomas Dennison of Atherton in the parish of Birstall in the said county Ropemaker. Probate was granted on 23 March 1750 (old style) * I think these are the Closes given to her by her father in his will (1723) "I give to my four daughters Susannah, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Hannah, all the housing, malt killn, gardens, backside croft in a street called Westgate in Wakefield, now in the possession of Mark Whiteaker, John Casson, Thomas Naylor, William Batt, wid. Hoyle, wid. Ouldfield, William Jewison, to be equally divided amongst them,..." The will (1745) of Susanna Ingham (nee Caselhouse) Susanna Whitaker's mother states that a Joseph Wright was married to Susanna Whitaker's sister Elizabeth. List of rents received by Earl of Cardigan ASR 33 at Northampton Records Office Isaac Whitaker Woodchurch - a messuage with 19 acres 1 rod 0 pearches annual rent £13 4 6. Lease commenced 2 February 1729

Note on Wife: Susannah INGHAM - shared note

Her father left her: I give to my four daughters Susannah, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Hannah, all the housing, malt killn, gardens, backside croft in a street called Westgate in Wakefield, now in the possession of Mark Whiteaker, John Casson, Thomas Naylor, William Batt, wid. Hoyle, wid. Ouldfield, William Jewison, to be equally divided amongst them, and they shall receive theire proportions of rent equaly amongst them after they attaine to the age oft Twenty one years,..... I give to my daughter Susannah Ingham Twenty pounds,........, to be paid to them by my Executor one Year after my deseace, or as they come to the age of one an twenty years. Her mother left her: Nevertheless with this proviso, that he pays the sum of Twenty pounds starling to my Daughter Susannah, wife of Isaac Whitaker of Lee Fair within one year after my Decease... She made Sussanah and her two surviving sisters her executors. Her husband left her: Twelve Pounds A silver tankard and a great bible during the term of her natural life. (These were to go to his son Isaac when she died) A bedstead with all the bedding....which stands in the Great Parlour All the other household goods etc which stand in the Great Palour and the little parlour adjoining thereto with part of my household linen seven Chairs and my chinawear a ? Seal and cloth and a side saddle & the Cloth belonging it. He also left her his freehold lands in Wakefield during her life time. After her death they were to go to his son Isaac and his heirs. But if there were none then they would be divided between his two daughters



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Name: Name: Name: Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 5, 2003;;;). Batch 7007525. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Will of Susannah Ingham, (Name: Name: Name: Printed in R.S.Whitaker Whitaker of Hesley & Palermo, 1907;;;).

3., England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,


Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 79 (quoting Woodkirk Parish Register).


Memorial Inscription (Woodkirk). Burial no 44. NAME St Mary's Woodkirk, West Yorkshire ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Woodkirk Bishops Transcripts. Burials 1750. NAME Original is in Borthwick Library, York ADDR EMAIL PHON. Call Number: 0990781.

7., England, Select Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,


Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 80 (Copy of Memorial Inscription at West Ardsley).


Ibid. 79.


Will of Isaac Whitaker (1750), (Name: Name: Name: Made on 3 June 1750, proved 23 March 1750/51;;;). NAME Borthwick Institute, University of York ADDR EMAIL PHON.

11., England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).,


Federation of Family History Societies, National Burial Index, (Name: Name: Name: First Edition published 2001;;;).

13., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D108/4; New Reference Number: WDP108/1/1/3.,


Robert Sanderson Whitaker, Whitaker of Hesley and Palermo, (Name: Name: Name: London, Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 140 Wardour Street, London W. 1907;;;). 80 (quoting MI).


Memorial Inscription (Woodkirk). NAME St Mary's Woodkirk, West Yorkshire ADDR EMAIL PHON.

16., West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2011;). West Yorkshire Archive Service; Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; Yorkshire Parish Records; Old Reference Number: D108/10; New Reference Number: WDP108/1/3/1.,

17., West Yorkshire, England, Select Land Tax Records, 1704-1932, (Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2014;).


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R), (Name: Name: Name: Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 5, 2003;;;). Batch C041641; printout 6910001. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Ibid. Batch C041641; source call 0840006; printout 6910001. NAME NAME Family History Library ADDR 35 N West Temple Street CONTSalt La CONC ke City, Utah 84150 USA ADDR EMAIL PHON.


Will of Isaac Whitaker (1786). NAME Univeristy of York, Borthwick Istitute ADDR EMAIL PHON.